Tap into the magic of micro-movements

Be amazed and energized by how much you can accomplish and/or what you can co-create and how much better you can feel in just 2 short months
For people who want greater ease, comfort, order, energy, health, and joy in their lives without unsustainable or extreme lifestyle upheaval nor complete disconnection from the world.
You have your stuff together in some areas of your life, but in others, you feel stagnant.
You know what you'd like to do and how you'd like to feel, but there's never enough time.
When you do have a few minutes or an hour to yourself, you don’t know how to get started, so you don’t.
You put others’ needs before you own, and the things you really want just get pushed further and further down the road.
Your well-being, your intentions, your happiness, don’t need to be last on the to-do list.
You don’t need to be last on the to-do list.
Living your best life is not at odds with giving your all. In fact, making time and space for you will make you a better partner, parent, employee, boss, friend, leader, and/or activist.

Flourishing is the technical term for living your best life. According to positive psychologist and professor Dr. Lynn Soots:
“Flourishing is the product of the pursuit and engagement of an authentic life that brings inner joy and happiness through meeting goals, being connected with life passions, and relishing in accomplishments through the peaks and valleys of life.”
Everyone has the capacity to flourish. It isn’t a static trait that you have or don’t. It’s a state you can cultivate, if you’re willing to provide the time and attention to the seeds you want to grow, while mindfully disentangling the vines that strangle your time, sap your energy, and obscure the view of where you’re headed.
is a supportive and doable program that provides a compassionate and intentional container to hold your goals, your well-being, and your whole self. With a clear, easy-to-follow roadmap, Shift Your Life in 60 Days provides easeful processes that will position you to find your state of flourishing as you move into the Fall.
Watch our "Taste of Shift Your Life in 60 Days" Session
When You Enroll in Shift Your Life in 60 Days you get:
- A structured, 60-Day program including:
- 3 Live Zoom calls (if you can't make the live calls, you'll have access to the recordings!)
- Weekly lessons & motivation via email
- A community of other Life-Shifters through our private Facebook group.
We know you're telling yourself:
“I don't have time…”
“I'm too busy...”
“I’ll get to that goal when...the kids are older/I lose some weight/we have more money..."
Imagine how your family, friends, co-workers, and community would feel if you were more fully yourself: happier, more fulfilled, and with more energy.
SHIFT YOUR LIFE is perfect for people who feel their goal is just out of reach, including:
- finding time to start learning a new language
- establishing a cleaning schedule at home
- drawing, painting, journaling, or making music more often
- picking up an old or new hobby
- reconnecting with a loved one or spouse
- writing that book
- committing to an exercise routine
- making enough time for a good night's sleep
- and more!

It's never going to be the 'right time.' There will always be bills to pay, chores to complete, and someone who needs/wants something from you.
How long have you been saying "I'll work toward my goal when ..."? The time is now. It isn't selfish. The people who depend on you need you to be fully yourself. You can't do that if your needs are always last.
Here's what our students say about us:
"April and Tracie each bring profound wisdom, skill, presence. I love how they both take turns in breaking down big ideas step by step and sharing of their personal processes. You are both powerful, energetic teachers and I'm grateful for the time to sit and listen and learn from you."
- First-time participant in a Joyous Justice program
"I genuinely appreciate the energy that both of you bring to this work. You each have your own way of teaching, preaching, and sharing of yourselves in order to effectively convey content and give examples and frameworks to have it 'click'!"
- Grounded & Growing pilot participant
"I'm absolutely loving the space you've created."
- Repeat Joyous Justice program participant
Keep surviving, feeling vaguely unsatisfied.
Take 60 days to carve out brain space for yourself so that you can thrive. Give yourself permission to focus on your well-being and watch the magic happen.
"I have really loved the attitude and approach April and Tracie have brought to these sessions which invites questions and vulnerability, while still pushing us to grow."
- Rabbi and first-time Joyous Justice participant
Shift Your Life in 60 Days is a greenhouse for the seeds you want to grow. In it you will:
- Focus on small changes with big impacts.
- Connect with a community of other people on similar journeys
- Have increased comfort in your daily life
- Feel more motivated to pursue your goals

A note from your course creator, April Baskin:
The whole notion of self-care has gotten a bad rap.
Hogwash we say!
Self-care gets labeled as a marker of privilege or of disconnection from the world. But massages and bon-bons are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to self-care. The kind of self-care we believe in is the kind I learned from my dad after he and my family had to navigate hurtful and harmful racist incidents in my childhood.
Dad said we needed to care for ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. So that’s what we did. And that’s WHY our family has been able to overcome and even leverage hardship as we continue to work in and with our communities.
Because self-care and community care are not mutually exclusive. That’s a false binary. In fact, at Joyous Justice, we believe that both are essential and they reinforce one another.
In Shift Your LIfe in 60 Days, we provide a roadmap for easefully making room in your life for yourself and for what matters most. You’ll get there through daily small, simple, incremental steps and actions and with the support of a mindful, engaged community of others on similar journeys.
You’ll be astounded by the effects small adjustments can have when you perform the simple program consistently over 60 days.
Are you worried you'll miss a day (or three) and lose your motivation?
We're here for you! If you find something distracted you from the path, simply return as soon as you're able. The path will be there, waiting for you when you get back to it.
Moving toward your best life requires progress, not perfection.
If a baseball player gets a hit on 4 out of 10 times at bat, they have a stellar batting average. Life goals work the same way.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, puts it this way:
"Success is the product of daily habits--not once-in-a-lifetime transformation."
"Through April + Tracie's transparent and authentic facilitation, I felt welcome to bring my half-baked thoughts and curiosities and felt a deep presence and attention from the whole group."
- Grounded & Growing pilot participant

We know you’re busy. You’ve got a to-do list a mile long, and we’re all figuring out how to navigate this pre-post-COVID world we’re inhabiting.
But you are not the Energizer Bunny. You can’t just keep going and going without a thought to your own well-being.
It’s unsustainable, and, in the long run, it isn’t helping anyone. If you make a point of refilling your cup, you’ll have more to give. It’s a virtuous cycle, and we can help you find it. You don’t have to do it alone.
This is not a one-and-done program. Shift Your Life in 60 Days will help you plant the seeds of the life you deserve–seeds that will grow and blossom long after the 60 days have passed.
We’ve seen the powerful transformation this can have in our own lives… From more consistent exercise regimens to better relationships with spouses and children to healthier eating to re-starting long neglected hobbies–all with just a few simple actions every day.
What would you love to be doing more of? We can’t wait to help you get there!